Broken Teeth & Rocks In My Mouth


Fact: I have a bad habit of grinding my teeth when I sleep since I was a child.

Dream: One afternoon I went to sleep and had a dream where:

I woke up and found that I chipped my top front teeth. I went to spit the grit out and sat on a chair pissed that I grinded my teeth so hard. A few seconds later, I felt more grits in my mouth. I went to look in the mirror and found that my top teeth was ok and looked at my bottom teeth.

All my teeth where ok and intact, but I had white stones comming from the bottom jaw between my lower lip and the gums. I spit the stones in the sink but they kept comming out as fast as I can spit it out.

I read most of the posting about teeth but got confused if this is a bad omen about death or a kind money blessing.

If you have any ideas about the meaning of this dream, I am open ears...

Teeth are a combination Universal/Personal symbol. Teeth in dreams represent a variety of emotions, reactions and scenarios. While a common dream symbol universally to all people, dreams involving the loss of or damage to teeth are personal to the dreamer and largely misunderstood. Some cultural myths say that it means a death will occur. While I would agree that many teeth dreams accompany actual deaths and losses, it is difficult to declare each and every teeth dream to be of a prophetic nature. Because many dreams of loosing teeth point to “letting go” of a person, situation or thing, it is easy to attach these images to a theme of death. There is more to consider, however, in analyzing a dream.

Teeth also represent the power of words spoken (like gossip or arguments, sentiments, personal boundaries, praise, etc.), our ability and confidence in making decisions, our sense of personal power, our personal effectiveness and our ability to break ideas, experiences and situations down for analysis, assimilation, digestion and release (the process necessary for Growth both physically and spiritually). Losing them demonstrates our feelings of ineffectiveness in any of these categories or in a specific area of our lives.

Here is a listing of Physical and Spiritual Correlations pertaining to Teeth Symbology:

  • Breaking Down of Food=Breaking down of ideas/experiences for Psychological Analysis and Understanding.
    Assimilation/absorption=Emotionally Integrating the concepts in order to heighten conscious awareness and grow as a human being.
    Digestion=Acceptance of Change, Retaining the beneficial aspects of the experience and rejecting the unhealthy aspects as it works through our (belief) system.
    Elimination/Physical Release=Psychological and Emotional Forgiveness of the person/situation for forcing you to learn this lesson as a means of growth; Letting go of residual emotions and resentments and reclaiming peace of mind. (Problems with this last psychological phase will initiate toilet dreams.)

Let’s look at the “function” of the symbol(s). The use of teeth is the first step in the digestive process (spiritually, the acceptance of experiences/change). Teeth are held in by our gums and are used for tearing off the proper “bite-sized” amounts of food that we feel we can handle and breaking it down for digestion and retention of beneficial elements/nutrients for growth. When we equate these actions with Psycho-Spiritual concepts, we see the correlations between physical processes, psychological healing and spiritual growth. Often, when we are in situations where we need to let go of something and we resist, whether a relationship, an argument, a child moving away to college, a death, etc., we will often dream of losing teeth. Many people feel that teeth dreams have a lot to do with their personal appearance, but I disagree with most of the petty vanity aspects and prefer to take the topic to a deeper level. Teeth dreams often point to decisions and “how we appear to others as a result of the decisions we make,” be it insecure, stable, successful, foolish, that our decision-making process is flawed or that we think too little/too much of ourselves. Rather than focus consciously on what our needs are and backing up our determinations with strong decisions, we focus on others’ perceptions of us. Do I look foolish staying with this person or do I look foolish in breaking it off? Do people think I’m weak? These are some of the distractions our egos throw at us to discourage us from addressing our needs, trusting our hearts and having faith in our potential. The scenery of the dream will point to the area of your life in question. The manner in which the teeth were lost is key in that it demonstrates whether they were consciously or voluntarily “released” or if they were “taken” in some manner, making us feel forced to let something/someone go before we feel we are ready. Life scenarios such as these lead to a powerless, humiliating feeling. Our largest Source of Power is in our belief system; our primary Expression of Power is in our words. As teeth also facilitate speech, not expressing our truth may be seen in a dream depicting damage or the act of pulling them out ourselves.

There are thousands of variations to how our dreams depict the damage or loss of our teeth. When there is additional symbology in a teeth dream that is gory or shocking, it is our subconscious telling us to pay attention and address the issue. The area of your life that the dream points to will be supported by accompanying symbology.

Your dream is interesting in that you have rocks that come out of your mouth. Rocks represent difficulties that need to be overcome or gone around. They are associated with permanence or sturdiness, and could represent emotional aloofness or the inability to change or open up. Financial difficulty could be a factor but I think this particular dream has to do with feeling that you made a wrong decision, even though the outcome was not that bad.In your dream your tooth is chipped (not totally destroyed). Immediately you blame yourself and your "habit" of grinding your teeth...something you do when you are unconscious. Upon inspection, everything looks fine. But now there are rocks emerging, one after the other as soon as you spit it out. Because the rocks are in your mouth I would mention that everything we say has impact. Perhaps you are finding it "hard" to express what you really want to say to someone.

I'm pressed for time but I hope this helps. Please let me know your thoughts.




Hi Charlotte,

Thank you for your analysis. Your time is much appreciated.

When I was reading your words, It came to me and everything fitted like a completed jig-saw puzzle. Let me explain.

I had a past lost love. Our relationship was pretty much perfect in every way; then we went our own ways without no real reason to part. So, we both moved on with our love lives. But over the years we met each other on and off with no relationship; just good friends having some time together, nothing more. During some of our lunches, we joked about how it would be if we went back together. Out of the joke came seriousness of the possibility where we both wanted to be true. The problem is that we both love and have faith in God and the idea of leaving our husband and wife was not possible. So I guess that out of the fear of God and sin, we both got "busy" and the meetings became less and we lost contact once again.

Strangely enough, last year we ran into each other on We got talking again and it was nice. I have to admit that I am almost surely certain that we both love each other. But in the end, I sent an email saying that this is the last email from me because I did not want to break up anyone's marriage even though we are "only friends." (It's the old idea of the rekindling flame.)

As I read your analysis, the first part of the dream came to me... I was walking through a quad and noticed my love standing there. I walked by pretending not to notice to see if my love would notice and call me after all these years. Well, I walked by but couldn't resist and turned around to say hi. I said hi and also said that our relationship can no longer exist. My love vanished and I went into a bedroom to sleep. I am not sure how I went from the quad to a bedroom but I guess it is a dream after all.

With an understanding from other websites and your posting, this is my personnal analysis.

The grinding of the teeth is sybolic to my youth. Upper teeth was my self image that was broken then repaired after accepting our lost love. Lower teeth was in good condition sybolic to my current marriage. The rocks I believe are symbolic of all the love I had deep down inside that finally came up to surface. In the end of the dream, I actually had a feeling of relief and a sense of true strength and happiness.

Thanks again, Charlotte.


Now THAT is a beautiful example of how to take an idea and correlate it to your own Personal Perceptions to see what fits for you!!! I'm so proud of you and I think you're absolutely right! I think your perception of the upper and lower teeth is exceptional, and the part about the rocks dead on. This is why I encourage everyone to present their dreams in as much detail as possible. Obviously, the first part of the dream escaped you. I'm glad the interp prompted you to remember that part so that you could make the pieces fit!

I'm also glad you made the choice you did.

Be sure to post other dreams, okay?

Love and Light,



  1. I too had a dream of rocks and teeth but very different. My teeth were loose and I began to pull them out and put them in a pile they were all greyish and some even broke leaving bits in my gum. I wasn't shocked or scared but kind of happy and even showing off my gums and how easy it was to pull them out. I rubbed my gums together and enjoyedthe feeling. Then i noticed I missed a few teeth and all of a sudden I felt sharp rocks in my mouth. I rinsed with water but almost as soon as I spit them out there was more. I tried a few more times but could never get the small pieces of dirt completely out.

  2. Good day. I had a dream that i visited a friend i have not seen in almost 10 years. I was with her and her boyfriend and her relatives who were children. We were going through this obstacle course and somehow taxis were now using the same course as short cuts. We hsd to find ways to get out of the course while these taxis were passing by and there were no escape doors so we found our own ways to get out of the way. This friend, her boyfriend and i were now separated. Some men asked me if i have money then I'd be able to get out, i told them i do not have money, i guess they felt pity for me and let me out but their boss came and almost beat me with a stick. I explained to him as well that i don't have money and they all let me out. As soon as i got out they were asking how did i get in if i don't have money i tried to explained that i came with this friend but i rocks in my mouth and couldn't say my words properly. As soon as this friend came out she acted like she did not know me but her boyfriend called her cruel and explained for me. In the end the children relatives of my friend were in the car and this old friend's boyfriend dumped her there and then and i sat in the front seat. However someone else was portraying me in the dream and i felt happy and rescued.

    What does this mean?


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