Hello Charlotte,
You did an e-mail dream interpertation for me back in Sept 2001. I was extremely happy with it, infact I still have a printed copy of it.
I have had a dream that for the most part seems pretty goofy, so I thought I would once again seek your services for a line by line interpertation.
Just a little back ground on me. I'm a single male, never married, getting all to close to 48.
The dream starts out with my going over to a friends house. She is just recently seperated. She and her exhusband were and still are some of myclosest friends. Neither one of us like to go to movies by ourselves, we use each others company to see ones that we are interested in.
I'm there to pick her up for a movie and since I'm there a little early she invites me in, we sit on the couch and chat for a bit. She suddenly surprises me by telling me that I have permission to kiss her if I want. I'm suprised by this since I never thought she had any romantic thoughts towards me, I ask her if she is sure about this and she says yes, she is sure.
For my part its a very nervous first kiss, but the warmth of her kiss completely flows thru me. After a couple of long passionate kisses, she asks me if I would like try something kinky. My responce is a basic...AAAhhhh,,,, uuuuhhhhh, maybe, I guess, I don't know. She tells me that I can think about it while we go the movies and can give her my answer when I bring her home. We go to the show and its the normal routine for us, idle chatting while waiting for the movie to start, a coke and popcorn, then watch the show.
When I get her home, she once again invites me in. When we are sitting on the couch again, she asks me if I have thought about her offer, and then tells me that she thinks I would get a kick out of it. I give her a nervous okie dokie and she then tells me to kiss her again. We kiss, and while we are kissing, I get very light headed and maybe for a split second pass out.
When I come too, I'm still sitting on the couch, but in a different location. I open my eyes and see myself staring back. I then realize, that we have switched bodies. My first responce is ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. She laughs and asks me whatI think about it. I stand up, look up and down the body I now occupy, and then start jumping up and down. She asks me what I'm doing and I tell her that I'm feeling them bounce. She laughs again and tells me that if I keep it up, one of us is going to be sore in the morning. I stop, sit back down and find myself being kissed once again. She asks me if I would like to truly experience being a woman, then kisses me again. I feel myself being picked up and carried to the bedroom. After some very passionate love making, we both fall asleep. When I wake up in the morning, I find myself still being in her body, using his/her chest and shoulder for a pillow. I get up to use the bathroom, and spend some time looking in the mirror, with my hands exploring this body I'm now in. When I get back to bed, I look at my old body and notice that I snore. After a little while of lying in bed, I pull the sheets back to look at my old body. He/she is completely naked and I find myself getting the urge to perform oral sex on him/her to wake him/her up. I lay there for a long time thinking I can't do that, its wrong for me to do it. Then I think, its not wrong for a woman to do it, I'm a woman now, so I can do it. I takehis/her penis in my mouth and suck him/her awake.
Once He/she is awake I offer to make some coffee and head to the kitchento start it. After a bit he/she comes out of the bedroom and we sit at the kitchen table with our coffee. He/she tells me that he/she thinks some french vanilla cream would go good in the coffee. I ask where it is kept and he/she slides the cup towards me, slips his/her hand in my bathrobe, grasps my breast, gently squeezes it and milk squirts out into the cup. I put my finger to the nipple to catch a stray drop and taste it. French vanilla cream. I look up and tell him/her I now know why he/she spent so much time sucking my breasts the night before. He/she laughs and tells me the best is yet to come.
Once again I find myself being carried to the bedroom and I surprise myself, finding that I'm looking forward to more love making as a woman. After some most excellent foreplay, I find myself guiding him/her into me. As he/she fully penetrates me, he/she tells me that we can stay this way, or I can be an underwater photographer, but not both.
That is where the dream ended. Just to let you know, underwater photography is my big passion in life. The woman in the dream and I have never been intiment and it would surprise me if we ever did, but I wouldn'tobject to it.
Thanks for anything you can come up with!
Client was emailed this clarifying question in order to interpret the dream fully.
Hello! So nice to hear from you! I remember you!
This dream certainly is a whopper! Fascinating, actually. I was hit withso many things while reading it. Your clarity and level of detail is wonderful. If I may, I have one clarifying question, and I hope you are not offended. I don't think you will be, as I sensed no embarrassment or judgment in your description of the events. I just want to be sure of your sexual orientation, in case I should break out of my usual stance on sex dreams,which is that sex is the merging of energies and has nothing to do with one's orientation. At several points, nurturing issues surface, which is quite common in all of us, and then I got a sense of additional thought processes. If you wouldn't mind giving me that one detail, it's a go and I will enjoy interpreting this one. Pretty cool stuff.
I will forward the interp as soon as possible. I look forward to your reply.
Love and Light,
His response:
Hello Charlotte,
No problems with your query, I'm a straight male. I'm looking forward to your interp, as I said before the one you did before was most excellent.
Hello again,
There is one thought I had that may help also, when I was younger I did experiment with cross dressing, but gave it up as it was ultimately unsatisfying.
Dear Anonymous:
This was an especially enlightening dream insofar as how the mind depicts the energies that exist in the physical representations of both genders. I’ve done several decapitation dreams, but this was truly original.
Overall, I feel the dream points to two areas, with its emphasis shifting between both at different times, yet supporting both in an underlying fashion. The first is the area of relationships. I feel that a change in your daily life is needed or desired in the form of a unified, balanced relationship. The desire for one is being expressed, one that is more SATISFYING on all levels: mental, emotional and physical. (Look at what you said about your cross-dressing experience.) Some releasing of past experiences may be in order, however, as in detachment from previous partnerships, before you find fulfillment. The other area is exploration of sexual and emotional “roles” and an effort to understand feminine and masculine emotional/physical counterparts. This I find to be common nowadays as more and more souls chose to experience a variety of energetic roles in their lives. In the past 20 years we’ve seen many changes in the roles of men and women as people, parents, lovers and friends.
When reading your dream, I got a mixture of vibes, as I mentioned. One was a “bi-curious” vibe that I felt aimed toward the future and a desire to experiment the passive role with a man. You answered this question for me by explaining your exploration of transgender dressing in the past. While an unsuccessful venture, it would make sense to leave open the idea of further exploration of sexual roles or fantasies. The emotional expressions of this dream support the fact that you would find cross-dressing unsatisfying, as it only changes the Outside and does not Immerse you in the feminine role. The desire to understand the feminine essence would certainly steer you in the direction of their appearance, and the clothing may have brought you closer to what you wanted to discover, but I don’t think that that type of “physical” exploration will bring the satisfaction you are seeking. Your emotional nature is what needs to be addressed, and then perhaps expressed physically. The stronger vibe I got from the dream was the relationship issue of learning to be more Receptive to love and being in the receptive role. The emotional aspects of femininity may be what you are most attracted to, whether it is getting a break from being the aggressive partner in a relationship or seeing what it is like to assume the submissive role (with either gender). Another idea to be considered is whether you feel you are not being assertive enough in daily life, and wish that you could learn to be or allow yourself to be more aggressive in your dealings with others. If you have a gentle nature (as many Pisces men have. I don’t know your sign, but I’d lean toward Pisces, Cancer or Aquarius as a Sun or Rising) as opposed to a more “cave man-type” (meaning overblown) masculine presence, it would behoove you to learn to understand your own psychological makeup without judging it or dismissing it as inferior or undesirable. (Just a thought…only you know what fits.)
Since the feminine gender and characteristics overwhelm the dream, I wonder if there is an issue that originates from your relationship with your mother, and you are now forced to simply acknowledge its origin and let it go. In some mother/son relationships the mother is overbearing and doesn’t allow for sufficient self-expression. In a case such as this you may find that your relationships are on-again, off-again. In others, the father is dominated in opinion and decision-making, causing some varying perceptions in the family onlookers, the male children especially. Sometimes in these cases the young men are overly aggressive, subconsciously dominating anything they can in order to dispute what was witnessed as a child. We express our perceptions of the roles our parents played in many ways. I don’t wish to push this subject and presume that I am correct on either point offered, but will allow you to tell me your thoughts of the interpretation. It is worth mentioning, however.
With regard to receptive love, as depicted in the dream in the form of a female friend: giving is often easy for most of us; allowing ourselves to Receive is often difficult, as it makes us feel vulnerable. This vulnerability, however, is often the core of the feminine mystique, which this dream explores: female receptive love, our emotional self, creativity/intuition, emotional bonds, nurturing of ourselves and others, natural cycles of life, relatedness, the birth of new life/projects/ideas, the unconscious and that which is Open and can be penetrated (the Yang). The polarities of nature are Masculine (Yin) and Feminine (Yang). Both are required to achieve balance in any area. Balance is what I feel your dream is urging you to achieve; to intellectualize your life less and indulge your emotions. Your mental and emotional Selves are in fact, SWITCHED in order to illustrate a criss-crossed balance. In some respects, fear must be relinquished, but in others, preconceived notions or “conditioning” must be relinquished in order to experience the emotions at a deeper level. At several points, you are looking at yourself, making assessments, impersonally taking notice of things without judgment (this is great!) or simply (safely) exploring out of curiosity.
On the relationship side, I feel that perhaps there is a tendency to give more in your relationships, and that you either unwittingly block or do not always ask for or receive all that you offer or desire from another: warmth, generosity, nurturing, consistent excitement and the freedom to express yourself. There is a mundane feel and a desire to break free of old patterns of expression and thought systems that no longer serve you or hold your interest. You’ve outgrown some things and are working to take the self-exploration phase of earlier years to a new level. Emotional security is a factor here. You would need someone who will allow you to express yourself, even if that expression is part of the transformational process, and not the end result. In a relationship, whether you are currently in one or hoping for one, several “conditions” must occur in order for you to feel that the relationship is a success. 1) You need a level of acceptance that will allow you to grow, 2) You need someone who can support your emotional and spiritual growth without depending on you, without judgement and without taking more than they give, and 3) Someone who will not demand that you play the role or express the more traditional characteristics of what society deems to be a “man.” Most importantly, this person will need to have an open mind and must be nurturing toward their own as well as your sense of emotional security in a relationship. In giving Readings, I have found consistently that our forties are a phase of going for what we truly want to accomplish in life, and our fifties reveal to us who we really are at our core, without the outer masks, armor and ego-expressions we use to protect, defend and diminish our fears. Perhaps you are approaching this phase.
Your dream naturally falls under the Sex Dream category, which I will summarize for you. Sex in Dreams is a merger of energies, aspects or qualities within the Self. Having sex with a particular person or one you know represents a blending of the qualities of that person with your own. It does not necessarily mean that you desire sex with that person, hence your shock at your friend’s dream self making such an offer. I would venture to say that your friend has embarked on a new journey of singlehood, breaking free of a marriage. Her life has changed significantly and she is free to do as she wishes outside of the confines of marriage, i.e. date other people, explore her sexual nature and fantasies. This could possibly be what you are equating her with and want for yourself, the opportunity to break free of your own self-imposed limitations in order find the right person and achieve what you felt she HAD: a harmonious, balanced marriage with another.
That being my summary of the issue explored, I will move on to the Line-by-Line. I’ve used bold-face type to emphasize key words. When broken down, this dream seems to have taken its time unfolding for you so that you could grasp the meaning. Its positive nature is wonderful. I also found phrases you use in your speech to be helpful. Most people do answer a lot of their own questions in their descriptions. Your use of some phrases was very interesting. It follows the basic Beginning-Middle-End format. The beginning presents the issue and your perceptions of it, the middle shows how you want to progress and the end shows how you will get there. Let’s begin…
The dream starts out with my going over to a friends house. She is just recently seperated. She and her ex-husband were and still are some of my closest friends. Neither one of us like to go to movies by ourselves, we use each others company to see ones that we are interested in.
Most dreams begin in either a building or a vehicle. The House represents the Self, meaning your inner nature is being explored here. The ground floor represents daily living situations, and the living room represents daily interaction with others. Two of several symbols that point to your daily life. It is generally nighttime in your dream, pointing to unconscious matters that need to be explored or brought to light.
To you, her house is an atmosphere where you feel comfortable emotionally. Her marriage represents partnership/unity and the dissolving of a partnership or contractual agreement. Being separated represents 1) change in her daily life and habits and 2) the removal/separation from the Thinking Part of the Self (her husband, and also meaning your emotions are being concentrated on here). Being female, she represents your Emotional Self. You, throughout the dream, participate as your Thinking/Analytical Self, remaining male in Thought, but female in Desire.
This may get tricky, but I’ll do my best to be concise. I’m glad you like detail…it’s gonna get interesting. She is your friend’s wife/ex-wife, denoting that you may feel you are crossing a taboo boundary or need to cross a Perceived Boundary in order to get in touch with your truer, natural emotional structure. This is one of the reasons I feel your sexuality may be calling for exploration. The other room used in the house is the bathroom, which represents cleansing and elimination of the old.
I'm there to pick her up for a movie and since I'm there a little early she invites me in, we sit on the couch and chat for a bit. She suddenly surprises me by telling me that I have permission to kiss her if I want. I'm suprised by this since I never thought she had any romantic thoughts towards me, I ask her if she is sure about this and she says yes, she is sure.
Movies represent the depiction of our current or past thoughts, feelings and perceptions of our lives and relationships. By watching the movie we get a chance to gain a new perspective. They can also represent public criticism; our fears of what others think of us. Movie screens tend to make the movie seem “larger than life”. In a symbolic sense, it shows us that our fears are equally out of proportion and are much larger than we realize.
You sit on the couch, which represents self-perception and the need to understand your own programming at a deeper level. Its color would say a lot about the issue you need to confront, but it would definitely be a part of your daily life (repetitive symbology supporting Daily Life theme).
You are given Permission to kiss her. Rather, your emotional self grants your thinking self Permission to get closer and connect on a deeper level to your emotions. You may feel that the male role you currently play prohibits you from expressing your emotional nature and that it would be “wrong” or inappropriate (kissing your friend’s wife) to do so. Your conscious mind is surprised, naturally, and you ask her if she is Certain or Confident about this. She is. (Notice throughout the dream she is relaxed, grounded and confident in your interaction. She seems like a warm, brown-eyed brunette to me. Medium build but shapely. A maternal type.)
For my part its a very nervous first kiss, but the warmth of her kiss completely flows thru me. After a couple of long passionate kisses, she asks me if I would like try something kinky. My responce is a basic...AAAhhhh,,,, uuuuhhhhh, maybe, I guess, I don't know. She tells me that I can think about it while we go the movies and can give her my answer when I bring her home.
Your first kiss is hesitant (fear of emotional exploration or breaking a rule?), but soon a soothing warmth spreads and you relax. Your fear is transformed to safety. She suggests something Kinky, something out of the ordinary that offers Thrills and breaks out of what society deems to be normal. You cannot take a stance; it seems good but you have not fully considered it. She says you can think about it (a mental pause for reflection) and you can tell her later. You are granted time for a delayed reaction from a new perspective. The New Perspective thing actually pops up a couple times here.
We go to the show and its the normal routine for us, idle chatting while waiting for the movie to start, a coke and popcorn, then watch the show.
Here is where I mention your choice of words without actually knowing what the dream was about. You say “Normal Routine”. Normal Routines are habitual patterns. If you take a look at how you habitually behave or react in relationships, you will begin to note the markers where certain triggers or buttons are pushed and you change direction, become too aggressive or withdraw emotionally, whatever the behavior is that you exhibit. This scene is not really boring, but depicts comfortable companionship which may be the Hidden Goal. Here is the major pivot in the dream! This scene is the cutoff where the dream goes into a deeper level and illustrates what is probably the solution and key suggestion that balance in relationships is needed for your happiness.
When I get her home, she once again invites me in. When we are sitting on the couch again, she asks me if I have thought about her offer, and then tells me that she thinks I would get a kick out of it. I give her a nervous okie dokie and she then tells me to kiss her again. We kiss, and while we are kissing, I get very light headed and maybe for a split second pass out. When I come too, I'm still sitting on the couch, but in a different location.
It’s a repeat of the first sequence only now you are familiar with it and more comfortable. Hopefully, you can see the beginnings of the use of Role Reversal that this dream is applying. I’ve highlighted all of the key elements. This is an important passage. You get the emotional invitation or “urging”. You’re asked if you applied more “thought” to the issue, and your emotional self says that she “thinks” you will get a “kick” out of it. Kicks=erotic thrills, etc., as in “get your kicks”. There is emphasis on individual perspectives, opinions and the use of intellect. You then feel “Light Headed” which is mental detachment from the situation. You pass out momentarily. Generally, fainting is the inability to either express or Cope with a situation. It is often seen as escape, but yours only lasts seconds. As a personal dream symbol for you, I don’t see this so much as an inability or unwillingness to explore or cope, I see it as a momentary lapse where you needed to go deeper in your unconscious to really connect to the issue. This is basically a connection between Consciousness and the Soul. I feel I am correct in this. When you come out of it, you are still on the couch, but in a different location ON the couch, which gives you A New Perspective or View of the Situation. You don’t say whether you are left, middle or right. Can I safely assume she is now on your right?
I open my eyes and see myself staring back. I then realize, that we have switched bodies. My first responce is ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. She laughs and asks me what I think about it. I stand up, look up and down the body I now occupy, and then start jumping up and down. She asks me what I'm doing and I tell her that I'm feeling them bounce.
When you open your eyes, you are seeing now through Her eyes…the Eyes of Your Emotional Self. She is looking at you through your Male Intellectual Eyes, taking on masculine traits and asking “what you think.” We now have a woman’s head on a man’s body and vice versa. You continue to be fascinated by this perspective and explore and notice a great deal. Further supporting the concept that you are dealing with an emotional issue and must relinquish your habitual mental processes is the idea that you now have a feminine body. She (let’s call her Nancy) has your male body and you have her body. Decapitation in itself denotes mental detachment and not “losing your head” over a situation. Your imagery takes this to a new level. You engage in some playful exploration…basically “seeing what happens when I do this” which is cause and effect and natural curiosity. You are exploring and becoming familiar in “Your New Role.”
She laughs again and tells me that if I keep it up, one of us is going to be sore in the morning. I stop, sit back down and find myself being kissed once again. She asks me if I would like to truly experience being a woman, then kisses me again. I feel myself being picked up and carried to the bedroom.
Her laughter is a great sign of emotional ease. Her position throughout the dream is one of reassurance, if you notice, and she assumes the Masculine/Dominant/Aggressive role, you the Feminine/Submissive/Receptive. Once again we have male and female aspects merging, and you are offered a chance to experience what most men would like to experience in an effort to Understand. The natural effect of Understanding is Balance. What’s interesting is that you are Carried to the bedroom. I saw this as a major symbol of being emotionally supported (as I stated in my summary that I felt you needed). One must relax and trust in order to be carried and not be afraid of being dropped or falling. There is an absence of fear here, which IS a statement that says “Don’t be afraid” or “There is nothing to Fear” in the scene playing out. She assumes the dominant, aggressive role.
After some very passionate love making, we both fall asleep. When I wake up in the morning, I find myself still being in her body, using his/her chest and shoulder for a pillow. I get up to use the bathroom, and spend some time looking in the mirror, with my hands exploring this body I'm now in. When I get back to bed, I look at my old body and notice that I snore.
I’ve crossed out many of the he/she phrases for clarification. You do notice, however, the image of union and balance in the phrase “he/she”. You also use it throughout the rest of the dream. This is another element of balance that has been integrated since the beginning of the dream, which was hesitant. You experience an enthusiastic merging where one would probably be pretty freaked out by now. And here is where I feel the true element of sex and respective roles is further exposed for examination. You are assuming the position most women find comforting and safe, lying on a man’s shoulder. You go into the bathroom, a room that offers the privacy for the release of feelings, sexual privacy and self-assessment. You spend time looking in a mirror. Mirrors represent the Reflection of one’s relationship with oneself, the source from which we draw for our self-esteem, our self-image, individuality, self-assessment and the desire to make adjustments in order to be more desirable to others. We often try to see ourselves the way others see us. In this case, you have a feminine body, which makes me wonder if there is something concerning your mother and your self-esteem that must be recognized and forgiven, whether she was too controlling or protective, or not as nurturing as you may have needed. The mirror image is a major clue to the issue in this dream. You go back to bed, where your waking life body lays asleep (unconscious of itself). You notice you snore, but seem to accept it for what it is. You do not take a position for or against.
After a little while of lying in bed, I pull the sheets back to look at my old body. He/she is completely naked and I find myself getting the urge to perform oral sex on him/her to [wake] him/her up. I lay there for a long time thinking I can't do that, its wrong for me to do it. Then I think, its not wrong for a woman to do it, I'm a woman now, so I can do it. I take his/her penis in my mouth and suck him/her awake.
This sequence illustrates the mental battle you may be having consciously or unconsciously. You pull the sheets back to examine “Your Old Body.” This feels like you see it as something from the past. You seem to enjoy the new body more than the old, as well. This might have something to do with your note that you are approaching 48 and are begrudgingly getting older. Nudity is seeing something in its pure form without attitudes or behaviors to cover its emotional vulnerability. Oral sex is synonymous with “feeding” off of another’s energy. Taking something (an idea, concept, experience, energy or characteristic, etc.) into yourself for Integration into the whole in order to achieve balance. The mouth draws on things for nourishment and growth: the breast as an infant, food, liquids, etc.) In this case, you are taking in characteristics of the male essence…Individuality, Independence, Will, Aggressiveness, Individualistic, Strength, Courage, Determination, Virility, Practicality, Masculine Wisdom, That Which Penetrates And Understands, or that which has an innate desire to reproduce. The mental argument ensues with the reasons why it would be acceptable to anyone else or “to society.” This is what females do. Permission is granted – from yourself, to yourself– once again, to do something a remote part of you wants to do, regardless of what it appears to be to the outside observer. You proceed to perform oral sex on “Him” and bring him back to wakeful awareness (consciousness as opposed to being unaware).
Once He/she is awake I offer to make some coffee and head to the kitchen to start it. After a bit he/she comes out of the bedroom and we sit at the kitchen table with our coffee. He/she tells me that he/she thinks some french vanilla cream would go good in the coffee. I ask where it is kept and he/she slides the cup towards me, slips his/her hand in my bathrobe, grasps my breast, gently squeezes it and milk squirts out into the cup. I put my finger to the nipple to catch a stray drop and taste it. French vanilla cream. I look up and tell him/her I now know why he/she spent so much time sucking my breasts the night before. He/she laughs and tells me the best is yet to come.
You do the nurturing thing and head off to make coffee (stimulation). The kitchen is your 3rd symbol of nurturing, by the way. There’s a lot of symbolic support here. You are at the kitchen table, where many confessions and communication of true feelings take place and are “put on the table.” Here is where you used the term “he/she” the most. He/She is a balance and combination of masculine and feminine characteristics. The conversation turns to what would “taste good” or rather would be pleasing as it pertains to personal likes. Here is the longest focus on the breast, the symbol of nurturing. It is also the most erotic scene and expresses the most Satisfaction. Here is where the question of sexual tendency came through the strongest as well. You seem to enjoy being on the receiving end of pleasure and there is also a seductive feel to the way your friend entices you. As far as giving and receiving sexually go, most sexual activities allow the man to demonstrate or fulfill their erotic urges and fantasies, but they please the woman more than men in some cases because they are in the receptive role or the person whom the action is being performed on or for. You allow this interaction to take place, which is a more passive stance. In the next scene, you embrace the feminine essence, now fully comfortable in the role, and offer yourself fully to the experience.
Once again I find myself being carried to the bedroom and I surprise myself, finding that I'm looking forward to more love making as a woman. After some most excellent foreplay, I find myself guiding him/her into me. As he/she fully penitrates me, he/she tells me that we can stay this way, or I can be an underwater photographer, but not both.
To your surprise, you enjoy being made love “to.” It truly is a wonder to be a woman. You find yourself to be a Willing Participant, offering encouragement in the form of guiding him into your body. I knew a man who saw this action as the ultimate sign that he was wanted and was in the dominant role. The last line is the kicker. Here’s why. He/She says you can remain this way (balanced, harmonious, pleasured, etc)….a PARTICIPANT with Real Passion –– or you can be a person who is an OBSERVER of Life, a Photographer who captures photos (memories) of ‘what is’ but rarely Creates them (like a painter does) or Experiences what’s in the picture as a PARTICIPANT. You must choose, your Emotional Self warns…you can’t be both…and expect to be happy. This is not to say that you are a constant observer, only to say that for the message of the dream, you must choose your path. Photos correspond to memories of experiences, ideas and relationships, and are associated with recalling events from the past with a more detached or objective perspective (there’s that new perspective again) and gaining a clearer picture of what transpired. Water represents the emotions. Being under water denotes being immersed in the emotions or overwhelmed by an experience. The level of comfort would be indicated by the condition of the water, the emotions experienced while in the water, etc.
That is where the dream ended. Just to let you know, underwater photography is my big passion in life. The woman in the dream and I have never been intimate and it would surprise me if we ever did, but I wouldn't object to it.
My surprise is your use of the phrase “Big Passion in Life”. What a bold statement! A Very interesting and an unusual way to wrap up a dream. I am curious to know your actual situation, if you’ve been shying away from relationships based on the past or perhaps, like many, not being open enough to truly invite and accept someone INTO your life. Whatever you would like to explain. Like I said, I felt a mixture of things and I tried to translate them as neatly and as respectfully as possible. If you would like to enlighten me as to what is correct I would be honored. Did I envision your friend correctly? Rest assured that personal topics are not discussed with anyone.
Thank you for the opportunity to analyze your dream. As always, only you can determine what fits, but I hope I’ve helped offer a platform from which you can access the dream’s message with clarity. If you reflect upon this dream in the future, you may gain additional insight because of the wisdom gained in the interim. Please let me know your thoughts or, if you would like to discuss the interpretation or your circumstances further, please feel free to request an appointment.
Warm Regards,
WOW!!! Once again, you have given me much to think about. I need to take a few days to take in all this information. So many things are ringing in my head right now as truth. You were right! In the beginning of the dream she was on my left side but when I came to she was on the right side of me. How do you know that??? This is a bit overwhelming so I will contact you for an appointment to discuss your amazing interpretation.
Thank you so much!

Dreams and their interpretations are posted here. For additional information and interaction, please visit SpiritualInsightsRadio.com. Be sure to tune in to Spiritual Insights with Charlotte Spicer. We'll be talking Dream Interpretation. At the website, you can review the archives for other interesting topics and learn more about the upcoming Spiritual Insights Digital Magazine. Thank you for visiting! ~Char.
Last night I had a dream that I saw a torndo off in the distance, and it came closer. More showed up all round the house I was in, but no damage was done to the house or anyone. The dream was so real, when I woke up, I just couldn't believe it was so vivid. I'm in the process of purchasing a home that will make my finances tight. Could this dream be telling me not to buy it ?