In this Episode: A Dead Husband, How to Spot Your Spirit Guides, A Prophetic Dream of Death and More!

Use the link below to hear about a woman who receives visits from her Dead Husband. What is he trying to tell her??? Also: How to tell who your Spirit Guides are in a dream, an interesting message for a woman who is Impatient for Job to Start, a Prophetic Dream of Death and an amazing Healing Dream!!

Tune in to the Archive

Are you perplexed or horrified by a dream you had? Call in on Wednesdays at 3:00 PM Eastern to have a dream interpreted, learn helpful tips to work with your dreams and find out "why" we have them, "where" they come from and "what" they are trying to tell us. Dreams are the bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind. The goal of Interpretation is to decode these messages to bring you Clarity, Self-Awareness and Peace.

When you call, please describe your dream in as much detail as possible, including Colors, Numbers, Emotions, Impressions, etc.

How it Works:

1. One dream per caller. Describe your dream, Char will help you understand it.

2. After the interp, you'll be asked to describe the situation that correlates to the dream. This is EXTREMELY helpful to other listeners and a LOT of FUN! (You are not asked to divulge really personal info. You are safe.) Spiritual advice is offered to help you in your situation.

3. Many dreams can be embarrassing, but the interpretation is Always enlightening.

4. Dreams are the platform for these segments but a spontaneous Reading may occur. Submit questions, feedback and dreams for interpretation today. Feel free to send long dreams ahead of time and indicate that you plan to call into the show. If you would like a Private Consultation with Charlotte, select an option under the Services tab and you will be contacted. These segments are free but if you are moved to make a donation, thank you!

Please share these segments with your social network!

Charlotte is a Psychic Medium in Orlando, FL. She is available for Private Sessions and Public Events. Contact her through the website.

In this episode: A Woman Who Can't Find Her Son and White Owls. Wow!

Use the link below to hear about a woman who cannot find her son in her dream and what's terrifying her. The next caller asked about a White Owl that her son saw in waking life. You won't believe how these two calls are interconnected!!

Tune in to the archive

Are you perplexed or horrified by a dream you had? Call in on Wednesdays at 3:00 PM Eastern to have a dream interpreted, learn helpful tips to work with your dreams and find out "why" we have them, "where" they come from and "what" they are trying to tell us. Dreams are the bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind. The goal of Interpretation is to decode these messages to bring you Clarity, Self-Awareness and Peace.

When you call, please describe your dream in as much detail as possible, including Colors, Numbers, Emotions, Impressions, etc.

How it Works:

1. One dream per caller. Describe your dream, Char will help you understand it.

2. After the interp, you'll be asked to describe the situation that correlates to the dream. This is EXTREMELY helpful to other listeners and a LOT of FUN! (You are not asked to divulge really personal info. You are safe.) Spiritual advice is offered to help you in your situation.

3. Many dreams can be embarrassing, but the interpretation is Always enlightening.

4. Dreams are the platform for these segments but a spontaneous Reading may occur. Submit questions, feedback and dreams for interpretation today. Feel free to send long dreams ahead of time and indicate that you plan to call into the show. If you would like a Private Consultation with Charlotte, select an option under the Services tab and you will be contacted. These segments are free but if you are moved to make a donation, thank you!

Please share these segments with your social network!

Charlotte is a Psychic Medium in Orlando, FL. She is available for Private Sessions and Public Events. Contact her through the website.

Live Dream Interpretation Segments on Spiritual Insights with Charlotte Spicer! Wednesdays at 3:00 PM Eastern!

Hi, everyone! The schedule for Dream Interpretation Segments is Wednesdays at 3:00 PM Eastern unless otherwise noted. Please mark your calendars, follow the show and share with your friends on Social Media!

I produced a segment with a lot of useful information that you might enjoy. There's a lot to share, but I don't want to repeat the same things every week so I wanted it to be all in one place. It's pretty thorough, but let me know if you have any questions. You can post here or through the website.

To tune in to this informative segment, Click Here:

I will have a Dream of the Week, where I will do a FREE Line-by-Line Interpretation and publish it here, in a newsletter and elsewhere. If you would like your dream to be considered, please send it through at the website. This is not a guarantee of any kind, as I get hundreds per day, but I will pick those that demonstrate the psycho-spiritual benefits of Dream Interpretation.

The website address is:

Thank you so much for your comments, feedback and suggestions! I see all the shares and I'm honored.

Blessings and Sweet Dreams,

New! Weekly Dream Interpretation Segments on Charlotte Spicer's Radio Show!

Hello, everyone and thank you for visiting to learn about your dreams and their meanings. I've finally kicked off the Dream Interpretation segments on my radio show, Spiritual Insights. Dream Interp segments will be each Wednesday at 4:00 PM Eastern. Remember that each broadcast is recorded, and can be found on iTunes. Tune in via computer at Spicer. To listen via phone, dial (347) 934-0751. To ask a question, press #1. You can submit a question here, on my Facebook Page "Spiritual Insights" or at, my temporary website. Wishing you all Peace and Blessings, ~Charlotte.

Everyday Oracles: Decoding the Divine Messages That Are All Around Us!

Tune in to this amazing segment with Ann Bolinger-McQuade wherein we discuss synchronistic events and learning to recognize messages from spirit, whether in dreams or in waking life!