A New Video in Honor of Victims of Gun Violence by Essens3! Check it out!

It's my pleasure to introduce you to Essens3 and his video on Gun Violence.



Please share!!!

I'm looking for new artists to promote on my radio show! If you know of someone who writes inspiring music, please let me know.




Hello, everyone! I need to get a message out to many of you. The settings for the blog allow for Anonymous Comments, and many prefer to be anonymous, which is fine. The problem I'm experiencing is that many of you are asking, and in some cases, PLEADING for help and I can't reach you. I want to help you but if you post anonymously then there is NO WAY I can get in touch with you.

If you choose to leave an anonymous comment, that's okay. Everyone likes reading them. But if you want a response, send me an email right after you post. I receive an email for each post, and your email will appear right above that in my inbox.

I'm also unable to answer responses directly beneath the post I'm commenting on, which is a real pain. Any suggestions?

In other news...I'm working hard to prepare for the launch of my radio show. If you like to join the notification list, email me at Spiritual Insights Radio at gmail, Subject: Sign Me Up! I'd like to kick it off with ALL OF YOU on the topic of Tornadoes!

This is premature but here is the link to the show. I'll announce when I'm launching. www.BlockTalkRadio.com/CharlotteSpicer.

Thank you all for your support!



Can't Wait to Launch my Radio Show!

I had a blast last night on the radio show and I'm working hard to pull everything together to launch in the next week or so. Wish me luck! ~Char.

Dream Intepretation-What are Your Dreams Trying to Tell You? 04/04 by SiS NSpirit | Blog Talk Radio

Dream Intepretation-What are Your Dreams Trying to Tell You? 04/04 by SiS NSpirit | Blog Talk Radio

Dream Interpretation Basics - Sisters in Spirit Radio Show - April 4, 2013

If you plan to tune in to tonight's broadcast on Dream Interpretation, you may download this document to refer to during the show.

I hope this information is helpful even if you cannot tune in.

Copy and Paste this link into your browzer to access the document: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ru2hdr4b7ykqymz/Dream%20Interpretation%20Basics%20-%20Sisters%20in%20Spirit%20Talk%20Radio%20-%20April%204%2C%202013.pdf?n=150807864



Only 6 Hours until I go On The Air!!

Dear Friends,

I hope you can join me on the Sisters in Spirit Talk Radio Show tonight, April 4th, 2013 at 8pm Eastern to discuss Dream Interpretation: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sis-in-spirit  

I'm so excited!! Bring on those Tornado dreams!



P.S. If you missed my broadcast on 9/13/12 regarding the Energy of Money, you can hear it here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sis-in-spirit/2012/09/14/financial-literacy-at-your-fingertips--sis-flep