What does it mean to dream of a Tornado?

Since this is the most popular interpretation in the archives, I decided to post it again and put it up top. I'll address previous comments but please post  your comments and questions here or you can hit me up on my Facebook page. Thanks! ~Char.

Tornadoes and other natural disasters represent emotional upheaval. Tornadoes specifically point to “Fear of Separation from Family Members.” There is a person in the situation you are experiencing where you may feel that if you tell them your true thoughts and feelings that you will lose them. Our fears of what might happen when we communicate honestly generally do not occur as we imagine. Tornadoes are a culmination of air in its most destructive capacity, pointing to the realm of thought (air). Look clearly at your fears and try to determine which are truly based on a possible reality, rather than an imagined “worst case” scenario. Trust your heart to tell you what to do. The pain we experience and perceive is truly a barometer of the Destruction we perceive being done. We often categorize experiences as small or large, depending on the loss we think we experienced. Pain is measured according to the depth of that loss or the importance of what was destroyed.

Another possible representation is the presence of a teenager in the family whose behavior is affecting the family unit. Often, when dealing with teens, there is the element of fear that if you are too tough on them that they will run away or distance themselves emotionally even further. I feel that it is worth every effort to get through and guide your child. Later, in adulthood, your child will look back and see that you tried your best to help, guide and protect them, no matter what decision they ultimately made at the time.

Tornadoes can also point to an individual with a “stormy” personality. Alcoholics, Substance Abusers and Emotionally/Mentally ill or volatile people are generally represented here. In the presence of these personalities, one usually will do everything possible, to the point of extreme self-sacrifice, in order to keep a semblance of peace. The upheaval we feel in these situations is repressed and buried and can often lead to physical sickness if brought from a mental level to a physical level, often manifesting as ulcers, disorders of the blood (high blood pressure, diabetes, etc), disorders of the liver (which represents anger) and abuse of alcohol and substances or sleeping aids. These behaviors are also viewed as having the destructive capacity of a natural disaster.

Whatever the situation, know that your dream is based on your “Perception” of what is going on. Our fears amplify our personal projections of what might occur if we take action, and we pull back, doing nothing and berating ourselves for an assumed lack of courage. This is not reality. Approach the situation with love and communicate honestly, without excess emotion.

I hope you all find this information helpful!

Feel free to send in individual symbols and I will post translations and suggestions. This also helps me to build my Dream Dictionary!

Thank You!


Recurring Dreams

Anonymous said...

I keep having these dreams every single night so I was curious so I looked up. The first paragraph made so much sense to me. But does it mean something differ Wen u dream every single night?????

Hi, there. I'm glad this interpretation has helped you and so many. What you're experiencing is a Recurring Dream. This happens because the Subconscious Mind is trying extremely hard to get a message through to your Conscious Mind. Whatever the situation was at the time (are you still having them?) it was crucial for you to look at your situation. As we understand or grasp the message of our recurring dreams, they generally evolve or disappear. If more information is needed, it will change and come up with something shocking to get your attention.

Thank you for your question!


How do Tornadoes relate to my Job?

Here's a response to this comment. If I post a reply, please let me know that you've seen it because I often spend a lot of time on responses. Thanks! ~Char.

hi char i live in oklahoma and had worked a night shift on my third day at a new job. I went to sleep when i got home during daylight and dreamed about multiple tornados coming at my home. I got my wife and two girls and took cover but dont remember the tornados hitting the house. just me worried about protecting the girls. i also remember a friend who i previously worked with calling me asking if i was looking at them and to take care. i watched them develop but never came at me. i woke up and the news says we are under a tornado watch. i have been in 3 tornados before but dont recall dreaming about them. what do you think? -J. Anthony

Hi, J. Anthony :) Thank you for your comment. In spite of the fact that the news was actually talking about tornadoes, the dream has more to do with your job. If you're working the night shift, it might prove difficult to spend quality time with your wife and daughters. Days and Nights get mixed up, you might lack energy during the day and have to sleep through family outings, you may miss out on school functions with your girls and/or your wife may feel unexpectedly alone. This can cause tension in any family. There are a myriad of issues that come up when our schedules pull us away from our loved ones. You may have taken the position out of necessity, not necessarily wanting to work night shift but, in this economy, we all must do what we have to do.

Some important elements: 

  1. Multiple tornadoes means multiple reasons to fear the impact of the work situation on your family.
  2. There is a theme of the number 3 here, denoting that "creativity and faith" are needed to work through your situation.
  3. The tornadoes did not hit the house, meaning that the "outcome" will not be as destructive as you anticipate. It is in the distance and holds your attention, telling you not so much to "beware" but "be aware".
  4. The "friend" is the side of you (work scenario supported) who previously was there at the point where you needed to find a new job to provide for your family. Look at your relationship. He/she "communicated" with your Conscious self to be sure you were "aware" that they were there. To "take care" would suggest that your subconscious self is telling your conscious mind to "stay alert yet do all that you need to do to remain a healthy family unit and not beat yourself up."
If I missed anything, let me know. I hope this helps. I'll tackle as many of these as I can. If you would post your feedback on my Facebook Page, Spiritual Insights, that would be great and I'll see it sooner rather than later. I'll be posting this there, as well. Thank you!


I'm Back! Sorry for the hiatus!

Hello, everyone and thank you for sending me your awesome comments and emails. Life has been hectic the past year or so but I seem to be finding a rhythm. To interact on a daily basis, please visit me on my Facebook Page, Spiritual Insights, where I spend much of my time. I haven't been able to address many questions lately but I'm hoping to free up some time and get some dream work done. I'll see what I can do. Thank you for visiting and for all of  your encouragement and support. If you are in the Orlando, Florida area, you will find information on the the Orlando Classes tab of the page if you're interested in attending my Guided Meditation class. If there is enough interest, I'll start holding classes and workshops in Dream Interpretation.
